■ 1 Troupe Master
This model is equipped with: shuriken pistol; Troupe Master’s blade; flip belt.
■ This model’s Troupe Master’s blade can be replaced with 1 Harlequin’s special weapon.
■ This model’s shuriken pistol can be replaced with one of the following: ◦ 1 fusion pistol ◦ 1 neuro disruptor
This model can be attached to the following unit:
Unless otherwise stated, you cannot include more than one of this model in your army.
Each time this model makes a melee attack, you can re‐roll a Hit roll of 1 and add 1 to the Wound roll.
While this model is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes a Pile‐in or Consolidation move, it can move up to 6" instead of up to 3". In addition, it does not need to end that move closer to the closest enemy model, provided it ends it as close as possible to the closest enemy unit.

Game Version | 1 model | |
Points | Change | |
Version 2.3 | 75 pts | |
Version 2.2 | 75 pts | |
Version 2.1 | 75 pts | ↑+20 pts |
Version 2.0 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.14 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.13 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.12 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.11 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.10 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.9 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.8 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.7 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.6 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.5 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.4 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.3 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.2 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.1 | 55 pts | |
Version 1.0 | 55 pts |