■ 1 Triumph of Saint Katherine – EPIC HERO
This model is equipped with: bolt pistols; relic weapons.
This model can be attached to the following unit:
Each time you gain 1 Miracle dice at the start of the battle round, if this model is on the battlefield, do not roll one D6 to determine the value of that Miracle dice; it has a value of 6.
At the start of the battle round, select up to two of the abilities in the Relics of the Matriarchs section. Until the start of the next battle round, this model has those abilities.
While a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 6" of this model, that unit can perform up to two Acts of Faith per phase, instead of only one.
While a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, re-roll a Wound roll of 1.
While a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 6" of this model, models in that unit have the Feel No Pain 6+ ability.
While a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 6" of this model, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of melee weapons equipped by models in that unit by 1.
While a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 6" of this model, you can re-roll Battle-shock tests taken for that unit.
While a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 6" of this model, add 2" to that unit’s Move characteristic and add 1 to Advance and Charge rolls made for that unit.
While this model has 1-6 wounds remaining, the Attacks characteristics of all of its weapons are halved, and you can only select one ability when using its Relics of the Matriarchs ability, instead of up to two.

Game Version | 1 model | |
Points | Change | |
Version 2.3 | 250 pts | |
Version 2.2 | 250 pts | |
Version 2.1 | 250 pts | |
Version 2.0 | 250 pts | |
Version 1.14 | 250 pts | |
Version 1.13 | 250 pts | ↑+60 pts |
Version 1.12 | 190 pts | |
Version 1.11 | 190 pts | ↑+50 pts |
Version 1.10 | 140 pts | |
Version 1.9 | 140 pts | |
Version 1.8 | 140 pts | ↑+15 pts |
Version 1.7 | 125 pts | |
Version 1.6 | 125 pts | |
Version 1.5 | 125 pts | |
Version 1.4 | 125 pts | |
Version 1.3 | 125 pts | ↓-25 pts |
Version 1.2 | 150 pts | |
Version 1.1 | 150 pts | |
Version 1.0 | 150 pts |